Friday, December 31, 2010

Much Like Global Warming Disputes...

… wherein some say the science is “not yet settled,” nor is it with regards to the earth being round, the Flat Earth Society still actively disputing the notion of the blue and green orb floating through space that we call home actually being an orb.  This being so, I believe – in fairness - we should henceforth cease using the word “globe” since this remains a viable point of contention.   Or, if I were employed by FOX News, I would assert that “this subject, upon which not everyone agrees, requires further study.”

Friday, March 12, 2010

Whenever I See Someone Drinking Pricey "Smart Water"

I ask them: “Why don’t you just drink water water and eat better?”  They then call me a “Smart A**.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Governmental Corruption

I think it pretty obvious by now that, for some time, New York Governor David Paterson has been turning a blind eye to these kind of shenanigans.


Thursday, March 4, 2010