Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is This My Lucky Day or What?!

A lady at work brought in some homemade banana bread.  Seconds after she peeled away the cellophane, I dove in.  As I brought a slice to my lips I realized that it was, in fact, two slices stuck together.  Having touched both, good manners dictated neither be returned.

“Look.  I meant to take one, but got two accidentally,” I said, taking a generous bite.

“Yeah, right.  Tell us about it, Pinocchio,” she replied.

My mouth full, I burst out laughing, spraying the entire plate of banana bread with a fine mist of saliva-caked crumbs, obligating me to seize all of the remaining slices for my personal consumption, to be savored over the course of what turned out to be a marvelous day.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm 90% sure...

… I heard the elevator lady say – when I went to 13 this morning  – “Going down… like your 401(k)…