Friday, December 23, 2011

A Merry Christmas Gift to a Bill

Selected e-mails from a good friend who adds spice in our Inbox with his e-mails of his own anecdotes, humor and political views ...

Enjoy a selected, collection of your briliant 1 line to several lines of amusing remarks.

THE DAILY BILL:  "laugther and a minute break a day...keeps the wrinkles away!"

Keeps us young like you!

"And For You, Sir?"

Talk about Camelot all you want but - good Democrat though I may be - I am incensed  that John Kennedy demoted former President Harry S. Truman to a mere waiter at his inaugural soiree.   BILL

This is Why White House Press Secretary is SUCH a Challenging Job

Obama Accepts Transparency Award In Private

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama accepted an award for making the government more open and transparent – presented to him behind closed doors with no media coverage or public access allowed.

John Wooden's "Pyramid of Success"

I have to admit; I was truly surprised to see “Steady High” on this pyramid.   BILL

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Used To Work For Mrs. Fields

She fired me as head of marketing for this campaign:

Ginger Snaps!  Movie Star Slays Six in Bloody Island Rampage


Monday, December 19, 2011

Try This Some Time

Next time someone says “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” step up and say “That would be me.”  This little gem has gotten me belly laughs at every stoning I have ever attended.


Friday, December 16, 2011

"No Drama" Obama

When he stated that we’ve asked Iran to return our felled surveillance drone, he proved himself quite the comedian.  The press corps should have broken into laughter and said:  “Good one, Mr. President.  Good one!!”


Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Want My MTV! (And a Lot of Other Stuff!!)

Can anyone pinpoint when exactly – per the Declaration of Independence – our inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness was misconstrued by far too many as an inalienable right to happiness per se?


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Man With No Feet: A Christmas Story

This holiday season, I recall how once – mired in the self-absorbed petulance of youth – I complained about the quality of my new sneakers.   Just then, I spotted a man in a wheelchair, the stubs of his lower legs jutting prominently from the rust-adorned contraption from which he could never escape.

“Excuse me, sir,” I asked. “Am I crazy or are these the sorriest shoes you ever laid eyes on?”

“My man,” he said, his caustic laughter causing me to blush, “those are some sorry ass shoes!”


Confucius say:

“Man who down too many six packs loses six pack.”


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Kardashian Girls Are Now Published Novelists

Please let me know if I owe you any money, as I’ll  be shooting myself Friday.  Kidding!!! 

(This does, however, shed light on the stream up which I am swimming.)


Monday, December 12, 2011

It's The Simple Things In Life I Enjoy

I think this is why so many people tell me: “God, you’re a simpleton.”


Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Whisper Game, A Childhood Memory

In second grade, we whispered a phrase from student to student to see how it would change from beginning to end.  Chas Marwick whispered into my ear: “The giraffe was eating leaves from the top of the tree.”

I then whispered into Kimberly Johnson’s ear:  “I am so in love with you.”

By the time it got to the end, the phrase was: “Crazy Billy Bekkala says he’s in love with me.”


Monday, December 5, 2011

Well, Herman Cain, You're Right About One Thing:

If you can’t get the job you’re looking for, it’s your fault.